Batman – 1 year old male English Setter

Batman is a 1 year old male English Setter. Batman is a cheerful and playful character. He has lots of energy and is full of life.

Batman loves to run and is sociable with other dogs although is more comfortable with females.

Batman is very affectionate with people and seeks out a fuss whenever he gets the chance! Batman was given up by his hunter in the Basque Country because he wasn’t needed for hunting.

Batman arrived at the shelter we work with in North Spain with another Setter and they share a kennel and get along great. Batman was born on 15th December 2021.

If you are interested in giving wonderful Batman a home, he is available at Setter Brittany Pointer Rescue.

Batman is currently in North Spain but his bag is packed and he is ready to travel to his special home in the UK. Will that be with you??


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