Bernie – 8 month old male American Bulldog
Bernie is an 8 month old male American Bulldog. He is a gorgeous puppy boy with an adorable loving and good temperament.
Bernie is currently located in Hatton, DE12. Available for foster-to-adopt (the trial period before full adoption). Bernie currently lives with a young child and a teenager.
Bernie loves kids, but he is a strong boy so kids, who know to respect a dog’s privacy, 8+ would be the best. Bernie is still young and will need training.
The previous family that had him as a puppy, unfortunately, didn’t have time for him and he is not socialised with dogs, so is reactive on a lead. But doesn’t react to cats on a walk.
Bernie travels well in the car. Bernie was taken by a Foster family as an emergency Foster. And that’s what they say about him: ” He’s settled well with us since arriving last week.
Bernie is more unsure of men but since being with us he is more for me than my wife, he is toilet trained and will let you know when he needs to go out by standing at the door and giving you a little bark.
Bernie listens and learns quickly we have already got him sitting, down and pawing before meals and isn’t food aggressive at all!
Bernie has also started to sit on roads on walks which we are continuing to do, when we first got him he pulled a lot and was walking in and out he now walks well to one side of you on a loose lead.
Bernie does sometimes need reminding me, he does show signs of aggression towards dogs and at the start was lunging he is getting better with correction and can walk past much more easily and no lunging.
We have managed to get him to sniff a few dogs which we know are calm and won’t react for a good few seconds before moving and praising him I think with more socialising and him being walked more he will get better at this. He is a very loving dog and loves cuddles!
At night we tried to let him have the run of the house but he just wouldn’t settle and settled all night if placed in the kitchen.
Bernie loves chicken feet! We are a family with 4 children ages ranging from 1-16 he is great with all of them!
Bernie does need reminding sometimes of our baby as she has started walking and he does knock into her but again we keep reminding him and he’s starting to realise.
Saying he is a puppy he hasn’t chewed anything but does love to play hall, especially with a football!!
Bernie has tried to put baby blocks in his mouth but a simple “drop” and he does.” Bernie has a vaccination history, is not castrated, ( as still young, Rescue will contribute to the cost), microchipped. An adoption fee applies but can be paid in parts.
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